
Dr. Steiman is a Certified Platinum Provider of Invisalign and Invisalign Teen. He also serves as a clinical speaker for Invisalign.
Invisalign treatment uses a series of clear, removable and comfortable aligner trays to straighten teeth. This is a dramatic change from using braces and wires. With Invisalign, you can eat whatever you want, and brushing and flossing is much easier. When worn properly, the results are just as great as braces. The treatment times are typically the same as braces as well. In order for Invisalign to be effective, the trays MUST be worn 22 hours per day. They are only removed for eating and cleaning. Aligners are typically changed every 1-2 weeks and office appointments are typically every 12 weeks.

Invisalign Teen
Many teenagers want a beautifully, healthy smile, but NOT with braces. Invisalign Teen offers a “clear” alternative that is perfect for the teenage lifestyle. They are clear, removable, amazingly comfortable and customized just for you. Go ahead and smile for your yearbook photo. Have a super time smiling at your grad and enjoy all the pizza and popcorn you want. Invisalign aligners are extremely durable and fit in with any of your extracurricular activities. Whether you are swimming the 50m race, throwing the football out on the field or playing clarinet with the school band, you don’t have to worry about braces getting in the way!
Connect with other teens and share your Invisalign Teen experience and find out what other people have to say about their treatment.